2009年6月30日 星期二


跟上次不一樣的是, 這次 window size 是用 16x16, 上次是 24x24..

AMD to Support NVIDIA’s CUDA Technology?

Bill Dally stated: “In the future you’ll be able to run C with CUDA extensions on a broader range of platforms, so I don’t think that will be a fundamental limitation.” Though Dally didn’t name AMD outright, he said: “I am familiar with some projects that are underway to enable CUDA on other platforms.”

AMD 看來自己也很清楚幹 CAL 跟 brook+ 這種多頭馬車的下場是什麼了.
不過這畢竟是八卦, AMD 會不會真的支援 CUDA 看看就好...
