2009年3月27日 星期五

ATi catalyst 9.3 newer release (hotfix)

這篇其實不是講 catalyst 9.3, 而是講 9.3 的 hotfix. 雖然那個 hotfix 裡面包了 catalyst control + display driver + system chipset driver 這麼多東西所以要 154Mb.. eola 貼給我我才知道有這東西, 3/16 日就 release, 且 3/19 日就放出來了,但 developer 於 3/21 日的 email 對這個 for XP hotfix 一個字都沒提..

"ATI CAL depends on internal API (application Programming Interface) to communicate with the base display driver. In ATI Catalyst 9.3, there was an inadvertent mismatch introduced between the interface presented by the base display driver and the interface CAL expected. This mismatch only affected CAL under Microsoft Windows XP. Microsoft Windows Vista and Linux distributions are unaffected."
可以解掉 WinXP 底下 brook+ 1.4beta call 不到 CAL 的問題.

上去 AMD 網站挖時倒是看到另一個好玩的東西.. R700 ISA
這是 R600 ISA
